Sunday 7 May 2017

Cover reveal ~ Tagged by D.Laine

Today we have another cover reveal and it's for Tagged, the second book in the Marked Assassins series by D.Laine. Check out the cover and blurb below.

Lucifer has officially declared war. Survivors are under attack. The apocalypse is in full swing, and only the strongest will survive what is coming.

With assassins Dylan Romero and Jake Walker by her side, former college student Thea Collier witnesses firsthand the dangers of her new reality. Forced to accept the role she was born in to, she has no choice but to make the long trek to The Agency to prepare for a future as an assassin. Will they find the protection they seek, and allies ready for a counter-strike? Or will the impossible only getter harder?

With hell one step closer to taking over what remains of earth, this crew of assassins is prepared to fight for what is theirs. Live or die, they are in it together.

Isn't it stunning? This is another book which is on my 'Can't wait to read' lists for this year and I really can't wait to get back to Dylan and the gang to find out what's going to happen next in their fight against the apocalypse. If you've not read the first book in this series yet, Marked, then I strongly recommend you go and check it out. If you already have read book 1 and are all ready for book 2, then click on the links below to pre order your copy now so it's delivered straight to your kindle on release day. 

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