What we're currently reading

Here we will post and update our current reads so that you can see what we're reading. This may change daily or weekly, depending on what else we have going on. Some of us may also be reading  mulitple books at the same time.

J ~ I'm currently re-reading A is for Abstinence by Kelly Oram. I love re-reading Kelly's books to get me out of a slump. Update on Dark Hearts by P.L. Midnight, this was a DNF for me for the moment. It had a good base for a story, but it needs a good edit before I'd recommend anyone to read it. There was a lot of repeating sentences, bad grammar and just needs some more work.

V ~

P ~ this week I'm reading The Fitzgerald Family Boxset by E. B. Walters

H ~ Still on the history kick but back the the Ministry of Curiosities series.  Currently reading book 7, Of Fate and Phantoms.  I just love this series and characters.  Will then have to wait until June for the next one.  Daughters of Time was a little disappointing although fairly well written.  The ending was not to my liking but remainder of the series has received good reviews.  I won't be reading it though

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