Monday 13 March 2017

Broken by Jex Lane


Vampire. Incubus. Demigod. Weapon.
Matthew has many names, but none as distressing as 'pet.' A slave to incubus High King Malarath, Matthew is tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of losing those he loves. Tired of the torture. And, in his despair, his body begins to decay around him.
The High King, angered that his pet is dying, brings in the one person who might be able to fix Matthew: High Lord General Tarrick.
While all trust Matthew had in the general is gone, maybe there is hope in the situation. All Matthew needs to do is start acting like an incubus and put on a show. 


Broken takes up where Sire finished, with Matthew having been taken captive by High King Malarath.

This is the third book in the Beautiful Monsters series so you will need to have read Captive and Sire before you pick this book up so, I urge you to read them first.  This story follows Matthew's struggle and how he copes with his feelings and being alone, and for an incubus, that is never good.

I loved all of the characters.  They were exceptionally well written.  Obviously Matthew is my favourite, and I loved the return of Tarrick, Sam and of course, Hiroto.  That guy is so funny and at times had me laughing out loud.

There are some great new characters introduced with this book too who I hope, will feature in future installments. 

I bow down to the awesomeness that is Jex Lane and this review does not do the book justice.  Her words can make you laugh and have you in fits of uncontrollable sobbing, and I do mean real ugly, crying. Suffice it so say, I will not be giving away any spoilers, you'll just have to read it for yourselves but you will not be disappointed in the slightest.

A superb paranormal read, definitely not for the younger audience due to scenes of a sexual nature, both MM and MF. However, do not be put off by this as the writing and storyline is simply magnificent. - H

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