Saturday 29 April 2017

Jem's review of Storm by Ednah Walters

Pirates no longer roam the seas.
Phantom Islands don’t exist.

Nanny to a wealthy family, eighteen-year old Alexandria “Lexi” Greendale sends most of what she earns home to support her disabled brother. She is determined to help him get the surgery he needs to walk again. Her dreams come to an abrupt halt when she rescues a man from drowning. How does he repay her? Captain Storm Orath abducts her, claims her as his chosen mate, and takes her to a magical island that is centuries behind times with barbaric customs.

For Lexi to make it home to her family, she must fight the lure of the man and the island he controls or stay trapped forever.

This is Part I of a 3-Part Upper YA and New Adult Serial about a woman and her journey of discovery, adventure, and unforgettable love

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Jem's review

Ok, I'll admit that I am a humongous Ednah Walters fan and have loved every single thing that she has written so far. Storm however is something completely different from her previous books so I will admit that I was a bit apprehensive at first when I heard pirates mentioned. Yes, I enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean but reading about them is completely different to watching a movie on the screen and I have never really been drawn to picking up a pirate book before.

Oh, how Ednah Walters has completely thrown my thoughts on that straight into the water. Storm has stamped all over my original thoughts of pirate books and shown me how wrong I was! Storm swept me right up into it's clutches and had me consuming the book in one sitting. I loved it, no I floved it. I don't think I can wax lyrical enough about how much I enjoyed this book. After I put it down I went back and re read it all over again. The characters are just so well built and put together that they feel real. The world building is amazing, I mean I felt like I could smell the salty sea air at times and that I was in that ship's cabin right along with Lexi, feeling all that she was feeling.

I love that Ednah hasn't shown Lexi, the main female character, to suddenly be falling happily into place with the sudden changes she experiences in this book. Ednah shows that she's scared of what's happening around her and makes her feelings and apprehension of the new strange world real to us, and I think that's what made me enjoy this book even more because it felt realistic.

Now Storm is a serial, which means that this book is a little shorter than you may be expecting and that it may feel like it ends sooner than you thought, however essentially it's just a massive book that's been split into three separate books. I know that these books will also be relรพeased in quite quick succession so that shouldn't really take away any of your enjoyment from what is an amazing read.

This part of the serial gets the full five stars from me (and if I could give it more then I would). I really enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to get my grabby little hands on book two. A tremendous job has been done with this book by Ednah Walters and I congratulate you in changing my mind on pirates, thank you

Monday 24 April 2017

Endings (King Arthur and Her Knights #7)

by K.M. Shea (Goodreads Author; Amazon UK; Amazon US)


Britt has finally settled into her life as King Arthur. Her knights know who she really is, her lands are peaceful, and she has friends and a family she loves. But all of this is threatened when Rome, led by Emperior Lucius, invades.

In order to repel the Romans and assure Camelot's survival, Britt must achieve Merlin's greatest ambition and unite all of Britain. Will she succeed, or will she fall on the battlefield?

The King Arthurs and Her Knights series pegs a modern girl against the strange events of ancient England. The stories are based on Arthurian legends and are sprinkled with humor, love, and a dash of magic. If you enjoy strong characters and tales about the Round Table, check out the King Arthurs and Her Knights today!

Review (~V)

Perfect ending to a perfect series. There were absolute gigglesnort-worthy moments as well as emotional, gut-wrenching ones. It gave me everything I wanted and more. It has left me feeling pretty teary and considering I pretty much have a heart of stone then this is some doing. Loved it. Abso-freaking-lutely floved it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜